The Unit Economics and Scaling of Data

  There are several paragraphs of text here, but the “tldr” is that although many systems increase in value dramatically in a superlinear manner with increasing scale, such as when there are economies of scale or network effects, we should be mindful that typically the value of data scales in a sublinear, logarithmic way.  If … Continue reading The Unit Economics and Scaling of Data

What camera should I buy? Or a self-study curriculum of introductory books for photography beginners

This is an overview of a proposed self-study curriculum and reading list to teach the fundamentals of photography. I am a student of visual art and photography, and people often ask me "What camera should I buy." My answer is almost uniformly, "Don't buy a new camera, your phone is already more than you need, just … Continue reading What camera should I buy? Or a self-study curriculum of introductory books for photography beginners

My experience with abortions

On my OB Gyn rotation, an optional component is being able to observe during terminations of pregnancies.  Because this is such a controversial topic, I thought others might be interested in reading about my experiences.  I wrote these thoughts down several years ago, and I recently found them again: First, to give some background, one … Continue reading My experience with abortions

Battle of the Kimchi; Hipster vs Korean Grocery

Kimchi is a living things, so it can vary quite a bit over time, even from a careful maker.  However, I thought I would compare the kimchi made by artisanal foodie hipsters (Farmhouse Culture) vs standard kimchi sold in the Korean grocery store. Now, is it fair to call the Farmhouse Culture team artisanal foodie … Continue reading Battle of the Kimchi; Hipster vs Korean Grocery

Some tasty fusion treats in Honolulu

I particularly enjoy in Hawaii as I really like the fusion of Japanese techniques and Polynesian ingredients, and there are many other fusion influences (Portuguese, American, Filipino, etc.), so I thought I'd go through some of the unique and very delicious things you can get there. First, Chef Morimoto is a celebrity chef known for starring … Continue reading Some tasty fusion treats in Honolulu

Umami Burger, Pickle Plate – again

I mentioned the Umami Burger pickle plate  in a previous post. I visited the location in San Francisco this time and tried the pickle plate.  The carrots and cucumbers were good.  I was less enthusiastic about the other pickles.  I don't even remember what they were now.  However,  I thought I would share the photo for … Continue reading Umami Burger, Pickle Plate – again